
Sparkle 1.5b1

There's a good chance our developer readers will be excited about the release of Sparkle 1.5b1. Among the new features you'll find support for .pkg installations and the ability to update files. Depending on your platforms, you'll also note the improved garbage collection support and 64-bit compatibility. Check the release notes for the full list.

If you provide software for the Mac community and you don't use Sparkle, consider it. It's a donationware framework which makes it easy to add auto-update functionality to your software. Because its parameters are all contained in the info.plist file, it's easy to maintain and upgrade. Among the hundreds of applications that make use of Sparkle, you'll find favorites like Coda, Miro, Adium, Transmission, Cocktail ... it's a long list. Check out the new release and give your users some auto-update love.

If all goes as planned, we'll be sitting down with Sparkle author Andy Matuschak for a chat at WWDC!