
Elf Online Summer leveling event

Elf Online

is, by its own account, a crazy game. "The craziest MMORPG in history!" according to its website. While we won't try to vouch for that claim, you have the opportunity to check it out yourself and try out their Summer Leveling Event. Already in progress until July 1st, this event offers the following rewards: any player who reaches Level 30 will receive 5 Lucky Boxes, 3 Devil Fruits, 3 Potatoes, 3 Chicken Soup and a Tricycle.

Similarly, players reaching Level 40 get 10 Lucky Boxes, 5 Devil Fruits, 5 Lvl 1 Weapon Fortifiers, 5 Lvl 1 Equipment Fortifiers and a Baby Car; and Level 50 nets players 20 Lucky Boxes, 10 Devil Fruits, 10 Lvl 2 Weapon Fortifiers, 10 Lvl 2 Equipment Fortifiers and a Concept Car. Additionally, every weekend is a double XP event, so June is the perfect time to try this "crazy" game out and find out for yourself how crazygonuts it actually is!

[Thanks, Elf!]