
PixelJunk Eden will support YouTube uploading

Japanese site Watch Impress has a new batch of screenshots showing more of the gorgeous art style of upcoming PSN game PixelJunk Eden. Not only that, but they include a few exciting tid bits of info regarding the game. Specifically, they mention that the soundtrack consists of almost 100 minutes of specially recorded music by Kyoto-based artist Baiyon.

The game will also include 3-player co-op play (no online, presumbly) as well as trophies and remote play support. Perhaps most intriguing, however, is the mention of screen recording and YouTube uploading compatibility. This was recently added to the PS3 SDK but we didn't expect to see it integrated into new games so quickly. PixelJunk Eden comes out sometime this Summer and you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be grabbing it day one. Will you?

[Via forum]
