
Saddle up once again

If you were to come up with a name for the sequel to My Horse and Me, what would you call it? My Horse and Me: The Stable Adventures? Trouble at the Old Mill? My Horse Has Fleas? We won't lie to you -- those are all superior names. However, Atari kept it short and simple, announcing My Horse and Me 2 for the DS

Unfortunately, the original game wasn't the greatest. We have nothing against horse games at all - why, we went nuts for those yappy dogs, and they aren't half as useful. You can't ride a dog, or force it to lug around big bags of cement for construction purposes. Still, something isn't quite right down at the ranch, and the developers can't seem to nail what would make a horse game great fun. We don't know for sure if MHAM2 will be good or bad, but there is one thing we do know -- it'll be bad.