
The DS Life: A different kind of training

He kicks his legs back and forth, feet crossed at the ankles and calves kissing cold porcelain. Next to the bathtub, on top of the sea foam-colored bathroom rug, his plastic step stool waits for him to jump off his seat and run to the rest of his day. Tinny video game music and sound effects sputter out of the handheld on his lap, bouncing off the bathroom's tile walls and echoing into his ears.

How do you convince a child filled with energy and plans for adventure to sit still for a few minutes? Join us past the post break to find out!

Photographer and mother-of-two Rachael Grotegut found the "ultimate incentive" to keep her son, Gavin, on the can -- put his dad's old Game Boy Advance in his hands! In the photograph above, Gavin is playing Phantasy Star, which he cutely calls "Pidgin Star," as he cant remember the title. His other favorite video games include Mario Kart and anything else with Super Mario in it.

As an added toilet-training incentive, Rachael even promised her son that she'd take him to GameStop and pick up a new game if can manage to "stay dry" all day. Apparently, he can't stop talking about the store now. Just wait a few months -- we're sure GameStop's constant customer begging for used games and preorders will eventually get to Gavin.

See also: Top ten toilet titles

The DS Life is a weekly feature in which we scour the known world for narrative images of Nintendo's handheld and handheld gamers. If you have a photo and a story to match it with, send both to thedslife at dsfanboy dot com.