
Empyrean Age launch schedule: 24-hour downtime for deployment

CCP has announced that EVE Online's Empyrean Age expansion will be playable on Wednesday, the 11th of June, at 2:00 AM GMT. Tranquility will be brought down the preceding day (Tuesday the 10th) at 2:00 AM GMT and will be offline for 24 hours as CCP readies the new content.

That's a very long long downtime, to be sure, but it's arguably worth it, given all the additions Empyrean Age makes to the game. The specifics are outlined in the patch notes and the expansion's features page at the official site, but most of the changes are related to the factional warfare system that we've heard so much about. Admittedly, it's not an expansion for the carebears. Their day will come when Ambulation arrives.

Those of us here at Massively who play EVE are looking forward to podkilling your sorry asses in all the battles to come! Just kidding; we're not that mean! Or are we?