
Capcom to put fans' faces in Street Fighter IV

Seth "S-KILL" Killian of Capcom just shot us some news fireball-style that should send Street Fighter fans into a frenzy. Capcom-Unity, the official Capcom community blog, is offering a yet-to-be-determined number of fans a chance to have their likenesses included in the console version of Street Fighter IV. Specifically, the game's producer, Yoshinori Ono, has agreed to pop fans' faces onto background characters. For real.

Capcom is asking anyone who'd like to be considered to send in "pictures, video, dissertations, limericks, daguerreotypes, singing telegrams" by next Wednesday, June 18. So, if you want your short at immortality – at least in a "video game extra" form – you'd better get on it. Full details, including the email address for submissions can be found in Seth's blog post.

[Thanks, Seth!]