
One Shots: Everybody say cheese

Now that is one good looking bunch of adventurers, if you ask us! Of course, with some of the reader-favorite graphics here on One Shots, we can't generally resist a great Lord of the Rings Online screenshot. This one is of Captain Finudir's group. We'll leave the introductions to him!

You only get to arrive in Rivendell for the first time, well, once. The Fellowship arrived in Imladris feeling quite good about itself, having just saved Trestlebridge from certain doom after an Orcish attack. Time enough to take a deep breath to pose in front of a brilliant sky, as we descended into the Valley for the first time. (Left to right) The newest addition to our Fellowship, the minstrel Olivier, stands proudly looking off into the distance. Behind him is the Loremaster Robertolanguoiz, affectionately called Bobby by his companions. Galoros, a rare elf from Southern Forochel, gives his most severe look. Captain Finudir of Gondor stands proudly with his chain mail glinting in the setting sun. Capi of Everclear Lakes tries to look as inconspicuous as possible, while Arcticwulf's impatience is plain to see: you can practically hear him growling "You primadonnas...let's go, we've got heads to smash!"

Do you have a great screenshot of your normal gaming group? Perhaps you'd like to show the world just how awesome and made of win you all are together when out saving the world? Feel free to send those screenshots along to us at oneshots AT! And be sure to tell us all about those images -- after all, the stories in those screens are yours!