
Suhweet Castle Crashers wallpapers are here!

So, we aren't really sure how old or new these super sexy Castle Crashers wallpapers are or how long has had them available. But it really doesn't matter, because they're teh awsomez and you need to know about them. Mmmkay? Now go already, head over to the media section of the official Castle Crashers website where you'll be able to download (in 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1280x720, 1600x1200 and 1900x1200 flavors) the badass and ever so purple desktop wallpaper you see above as well as a pretty sky-blue wallpaper featuring a Red Knight action shot. We're currently rockin' the purple background and can 100% confirm that it'll make your Tuesday nine times more enjoyable. Enjoy.