
X3F Live: Halo 3 Tonight @ 9:30PM EST [Update]

Update: X3F Live has ended for the night. Thank you for joining us and stay tuned for more X3F Live events in the future!

In order to make up for yesterday's failed attempt to play Team Fortress 2 due to game crashes, we're throwing down in a little Halo 3 action tonight starting at 9:30PM EST! Unfortunately not everyone will be available to play but those of us that bring you the news you crave (and some you don't) will be partying up for some custom game action.

As usual add X3FLIVE to your friends list and use the Friends of Friends feature to track down Richard (SenseiRam), Dustin (SuperDunners), Alexander (Sli Xander) and/or Xav (Snypz) and try to jump into an open session. Anyone start a "Save Terrence's Internets" petition yet?

If you can't get X3FLIVE on your friends list and really want to jump in with us, send Xav (Gamertag: Snypz) a message over Xbox Live requesting an invite and we'll send one your way sometime throughout the night.