
Would You Rather ... XBLA Future Edition

In our continuing effort to bring you fresh and interesting content, X3F presents Would You Rather ... a weekly feature that asks you the hard questions. The point? If you had to choose one or the other, which would you go for?

This week in a late-night (oooh, sexy) edition of Would You Rather we're talking XBLA games. We've asked you in the past if you'd prefer smaller or larger games but this week we're looking at it from a different angle. In the beginning Xbox Live Arcade was hailed as a great gateway to your favorite arcade titles (when it launched as a disc based service on the Xbox), but then something interesting happened--independent developers looked at the platform as a new source of output. With the introduction of the Xbox 360 and relaunching of the service built into the console, independent developers were met with great success for their titles.

Sure, corporate companies released arcade hits as well but no one took the service as serioulsy as the independent teams did. Today, as XBLA has proven itself to be a strong platform, more corporate companies are releasing titles for the service while independent companies lobby for their games to make it online. In Would You Rather this week we ask, who do you want to see more of a focus from on the XBLA front? Corporate companies with the money and licenses or independent companies with a fresh outlook on game design? Discuss. Vote. Ask for a third option in the comments.

Feel free to share the reasons for your vote in the comments. We'll share the results of the poll during the next edition of Would You Rather ... which hits X3F every Wednesday.

Last weeks WUR results can be find after the jump ... come in and check it out for free!

64% of our readers agree that review scores need to be thrown out the window and should focus on giving the reader a more substantial in depth explanation of the content in games. While the 35% of readers that votes preferred to keep the scores in, the majority still require the text to help with their buying decisions. Let's hope everyone here doesn't freak out if the next Halo game gets a 9.3 instead of a 10 though. Cuz we totally would.