
Choose your favorite Prince of Persia achievement

These days, achievements are getting to be a big deal among 360 gamers, so much so that Ubisoft and their Prince of Persia dev team have noticed and want your achievement opinion.

Over on the official Prince of Persia webspace, Ubisoft is asking fans of the series to vote on their favorite of three possible achievements to include in the upcoming release of Prodigy. You know, to thank the community for supporting the franchise, etc. etc. So, to cast your achievement vote, simply make the jump and use your Ubisoft account to choose your favorite achievement, either "Longest Grip Fall", "Xkm" or "Combo Specialist". Then, come July 1st, Ubi will announce the winning achievement thus giving fanboys across the globe a warm-fuzzy knowing that they participated in the implementation of a Prince of Persia achievement. Joy!

[Via Major Nelson]