
Saints Row 2 promises a more lighthearted affair than GTA

Though the teaser trailer left us wondering why THQ even bothered, we were amused at their attempt to distinguish themselves in the eyes of gamers from another franchise in their other trailer. This attempt continues with investors -- THQ's CEO, Brian Farrell indicates that Saints Row 2 is "a very differentiated product in this open-world genre." in an investor's meeting for Chicago-based investment firm William Blair & Company.

Farrell also implied that he was relieved GTA4 is going in a more epic direction while Saints Row 2 will involve more "tongue-in-cheek ... silly, over-the-top gameplay." Additionally, Farrell hinted at other areas where it will try and trump GTA4: DLC, "a larger, richer environment," combat system and a two-player mode.

We like how THQ is taking the series in a more humorous and slapstick direction, but we'll wait to make any final judgments until see the final product when Saints Row 2 is released on October 12th.