
One Shots: Mace to the face!

The stream of Age of Conan strangeness continues. It seems no sooner do we put up one oddball graphics bug, than another surfaces in our mailbox. This one has to be one of the stranger ones we've seen -- yes, stranger than missing bodies or tablecloth capes. Today's One Shots glitch screenshot from Age of Conan comes to us courtesy of Draimen from Blood of Crom, who tells us the following tale:

[This is] a screenshot of one of my guildies from [our] grinding group. He got a glitch where his weapon in his alternate slot gets stuck as the model in his main hand. Then when he switched his alternate slot to a bow, he was using a bow but it showed his 2H mace. So, he was shooting 2H maces at people. It was pretty awesome.

It certainly looks pretty silly... and like it would be painful. Although it could make for some interesting fatalities.

Do you have some off-the-wall glitches you've seen in your day to day gaming? Have server lag or disconnects caused some strange things? If so, we'd love to see them and hear all about it. Just send those screens to us at oneshots AT!