
Shadow of Legend overhauls crafting system

The folks over at Shadow of Legend have taken a second look at crafting, and made it yet more awesome. Like the old system, the new system will show you the materials required to craft an item, the item that will result, a progress bar showing the progress made, and a cancel button that ceases production immediately.

To this has been added varying features -- crafted items can vary from up to 30% better (or worse) than their base item. Don't worry -- if the item isn't sufficiently awesome, it can still be split into its original components. Secondly, crafted items take far fewer resources than before, and you will only need to harvest one sort of material for your class. Combatants only need to find ores, Mages seek only wood, Monks require only leather, and Archers need only come up with some cloth for their items. These welcome changes will make item crafting easier and more rewarding than ever before,