
Sony admits struggle in getting third party support

It's a pretty established and unfortunate fact that the PS3 hasn't secured many third-party exclusive games. Multi-platform third-party titles tend to be rough ports or aggravatingly delayed. Shuhei Yoshida has acknowledged this fact and let out a cry to third-party developers: "It's impossible to bring the level of support that we feel is important for the PlayStation 3 platform without the third parties' continued support." He also said that, sometimes, "we struggle to convince them to put more resources into the PS3."

While admitting a problem is the first step to resolving it and moving on to your next addiction, we'd love to hear a little more about what Yoshida and Sony plan to do in regards to the third-party developers' fears of putting more of their eggs into the Sony basket. It's the cutest basket, after all. Made of sturdy wicker so it doesn't break ... aesthetically pleasing ... it compliments eggs really well. Do you think Sony should dole out some cash for exclusives, or more dev tools to show these guys and gals that it might not be so hard to program on the PS3 once you get your hands inside its shell?