
Fable 2 video diary 6 talks art, death and morphs

It's been a long time coming, but the sixth episode of the Lionhead's Fable 2 video diary is finally available. This installment deals with the art of Fable 2 and how it is integrated with the final product. We look at everything from concept art to texture mapping and also learn a few more details about how the game actually works. One note of interest is that not only are all the character morphs (strong or weak, fat or thin, good or evil, etc) making a return in Fable 2, but they can now also be influenced by a player's social behavior. We're not exactly sure how something like gambling influences appearance, but we're definitely curious.

Also revealed in the video is a new detail about how the game handles death. Of course, we already know about scarring, but the video mentions that once a player is completely surrounded by enemies (when you would traditionally 'die'), the player will take part in "one last heroic struggle" (complete with swelling music) that will send the baddies flying and give players a second chance.

Two final notes. One, the beginning of the video shows a fairly lengthy moment of Peter Molyneux taking his time circling "October" on a notepad. Make what you will of that. Two, we want our own Hobbe sculpture. Seriously. Find the video after the break.