
Would You Rather ... One to Rule Them All Edition

In our continuing effort to bring you fresh and interesting content, X3F presents Would You Rather ... a weekly feature that asks you the hard questions. The point? If you had to choose one or the other, which would you go for?

This week for Would You Rather we have a question in response to something we experience (and some participate in) everyday, the console war.

With companies merging to create larger studios, hardware manufactuers losing billions of dollars to maintain market awareness by undercutting consoles and exclusive games staying out of some hands because of our system selections where does it end? Are we heading into a one console future? Probably not. Or maybe. Well, it isn't our idea to judge -- it's yours! So this week we wonder, would you prefer a one console future and enjoy all games or do you crave the smell of napalm in the morning in this, the console war? Discuss.

Feel free to share the reasons for your vote in the comments. We'll share the results of the poll during the next edition of Would You Rather ... which hits X3F every Wednesday.

Last weeks WUR results can be find after the jump!

Last week 68% of readers decided they'd rather have XBLA titles from Independent Development teams rather than have the big guys cramp the Arcade's style. Surprising? Maybe. But one thing is sure, anyone who bought Frogger 2 needs to have their gamer card revoked..