
Brits may see another WAR delay

Don't worry too much, there's just a slight probability -- nothing too serious! We just thought you may want to know that due to government-proposed changes to the age rating system for videogames, there's a slight chance that Warhammer Online could see a delay in the UK. However, what's more likely to happen is the game will have to jump through one or two more hoops, so to speak. So this is actually something that's more a pain for Electronic Arts than anyone looking forward to playing Warhammer Online later this year.

Still, being ever-watchful of some of our more anticipated MMOs means that we're keeping this worry on a backburner somewhere in our brains. Somehow we imagine that if anything were to delay EA Mythic's Waaagh-filled MMO, it would be something unexpected like a ratings system change. After all, seeing as how WAR is aiming for a teen-and-up demographic the Byron Review could come into play here.