
Rock Band 2 expected to hit the UK this September

Looks like UK gamers aren't getting the short end of the stick when the band gets back together this September. Speaking with CVG a representative for Electronic Arts said Rock Band 2 is expected to hit shelves in the UK at the same time as its North American release. "We are expecting to see Rock Band 2 ship in September for the Xbox 360, with other platforms to follow," said the unnamed EA rep.

If it were to happen a simultaneous release for Rock Band 2 would be a stark contrast to the original schedule that saw the first title take nearly 8 months to reach UK shores.

Announced earlier today, Rock Band 2 promises to offer a wealth of gameplay enhancements, as well as the ability to play all previously purchased downloadable content from the popular original.
Interestingly enough, the first Rock Band is still scheduled to release in the UK this August for the PS3, PS2 and Wii -- an Xbox 360 version was released on May 23.
