
Rock Band 2 is official and it's coming this year

IGN has released an interview with Dan Teasdale, Lead Designer at Harmonix, in which they discuss the evolution of the band-based gaming platform Rock Band. The sequel, Rock Band 2, will be available stateside sometime this year (the Xbox 360 version has a September release date). The interview reveals a lot of tasty info about the game and reiterates to us why Harmonix is the king of rhythm-based gaming.

There's a whole lot of interesting stuff to read about, but the most exciting has to be the fact that Rock Band 1 and 2 DLC will be completely compatible with both games. "As far as Harmonix is concerned, there's no difference between "Rock Band 1 DLC" and "Rock Band 2 DLC" – we're just releasing awesome songs every week onto the Rock Band platform." Are you listening, Activision?

Rock Band 2 will obviously have some advancements over the original, including new and improved features and instruments. Teasdale also teases about an amazing lineup of songs, with announcements to be made in the near future. Check out the full interview for more info about your new favorite rhythm game.

As for you European PS3 owners, still waiting for Rock Band 1 ... Try not to cry.