
Rumor: PS2 games coming to the PSN?

Here we go again. Just as one screenshot rumor is confirmed, dated and busted wide open, another comes to take its place. We were happy basking in the glow of firmware 2.40 when we stumbled upon this image on the N4G forum (which is where you can also check out a larger version). It shows PS2 games being made available on the PlayStation Store. Among the games listed we can see Metal Gear Solid 2, Red Faction and The Bouncer (which just so happened to be this particular blogger's first PS2 game). Three titles we'd gladly buy again as a digital copy.

Of course, just like last time, this is nothing more than a rumor right now. The N4G forumer says that his friend, who works at Sony London, sent this photo to him and that the service is due to be announced at E3, with a late Summer roll-out. Supposedly it will be coming to Europe first, which makes us think it might be more likely to be announced at Leipzig. If it's real, that is. Photoshop gurus can commence picking it apart ... now!