
Comparing the expansion philosophies of World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online

Snafzg over at the GREENskin blog followed up on Tobold's recent interview with Blizzard's J. Allen Brack. Blizzard has previously clarified their method of creating expansions for World of Warcraft, but his reiteration of the production process has prompted some thoughtful responses. Snaf notes that, as Mark Jacobs and the folks at EA Mythic have made a few of their thoughts on expansions for Warhammer Online clear, some useful comparisons can be made.

His most interesting point, this blogger feels, is analysis of the strength of the two IPs.He characterizes the Warcraft IP as weaker than Warhammer, due to the relative brevity of its content. We've got several ideas about what future Warhammer expansions might include, but (as Snaf notes) Blizzard "currently has no idea of what will be in the expansion after WotLK". Couldn't that possibly be a strength? Northrend was a given, an almost inevitability in Warcraft's future, but now the company has a thousand different plot threads to explore and no "required" content to cover.

Interesting to think about, either way.