
Guild Wars PvP: A new perspective

Sure, we've shown you how to get into Guild Wars PvP if you're strictly a PvE player, but what about putting that knowledge into practice? What about reading a first-hand account from someone who writes exceptionally well? Luckily, Van Hemlock has done the dirty work for you by telling us his story of how he finally made the plunge into GW PvP, and how much he's actually enjoying it.

He starts out by describing his team's adventure in the Zaishen Challenge arenas, and eventually moves on to the craziness that is Alliance Battles. This team, affectionately named the Tuesday N00b Club, was recently joined by Scott from Pumping Irony. The beauty of this blog post is the way Van Hemlock describes so much of his initial PvP experiences from a perspective that many veteran players might take for granted. The best part is, it ends on a positive note.