
Lab's teasing 'placeholer': Xbox, PS3, iPhone?

Dusan Writer has spotted an HTML comment in the source for which says "<!-- placeholer page for XBOX, PS3, and iPhone versions of client when they launch next real soon now -->"

Definitely quite the tease. Certainly, Second Life can be made to run on a PS3 (and there's at least one enterprising user who has had some success on that front); the Xbox 360 would present a much more considerable technical challenge; and as for the iPhone, well, Linden Lab has been making noises about lighter-weight clients/viewers for some months.

We're not sure quite how much credence to put to the message, however, as "real soon now" is a piece of engineer slang/sarcasm generally taken to mean "Whenever, when it's ready, maybe never". However this could neatly dovetail with Kapor's "very important announcement" coming up in seven days.