
UK Rock Band 2 release comment, "a misunderstanding"

UK gamers, you might want to take a seat for this one. Speaking with Eurogamer, EA has stated that there has been a misunderstanding regarding the UK release of Rock Band 2.

"There was a misunderstanding and there is no confirmed date for Europe," an unnamed spokesperson from EA told Eurogamer. Yesterday we reported an unnamed EA rep hinted at a possible simultaneous release for the upcoming title.

Currently the only confirmed release information for the recently announced sequel is the title's Xbox 360 timed-exclusivity for a Stateside launch sometime in September. Could Rock Band 2 also suffer from a late release throughout North America much like the original which launched in December 2007 in Canada? Only time will tell. More information regarding the title is expected at E3 which kicks off on July 14.

[Thanks for crushing UK dreams, Boff]