
Ensemble: "Several" Halo Wars demo stations at E3

Excitement for Halo Wars has been palpable of late, what with a recent GamePro cover story and Ensemble finally allowing a few details to hit the tubes (even from the official Halo Wars website, no less). It wasn't long ago that Ensemble made it known that they would "hopefully" have a playable build at E3. Considering no one outside of Ensemble and a few lucky journalists have laid their hands on the game, it was pretty exciting news. Prepare to be even more excited, as the "hopefully" part of the equation seems to have shifted to definitely. According to Ensemble's Bruce Shelley, as noted on his blog, there will be "several demo stations set up and a large number of media representatives will be getting a chance to play." Smiley face to that.

There are other details about the game in the blog but, frankly, we sort of blanked out after the playable bit. There was this: "This is not a strategy game where you don't interact with your opponent for the first 15 to 25 minutes. Many games are over by that point." E3 can't get here fast enough.