
One Shots: A whole new kind of circus act

We've seen some interesting glitches coming out of Age of Conan, but this one has to be one of the more interesting mount shots we've seen. Apparently this glitch involved Georges N's character who was... well, we'll let him explain it:

Strange visual glitch [logging] into the game at my guild city in the Trader Building. When I spawned into the game, all of the buildings [rendered] as they usually do, but because I was inside one as it was [rendering] - and on my horse - I was thrown about 50 feet into the air. When I came down, I was standing on top of my horse. I could [cast] all of my spells, attack people and everything you can do while unmounted (apart from spellweaving for some reason) but I moved as fast the horse. [I got] lots of confused /tells as I ran / rode through Old Tarantia!

Have you seen any strange, off the wall things in your travels? Perhaps you've encountered some weird graphical glitches in your favorite game? If so, send those screens our way. Just send a mail to oneshots AT massively DOT com with a short description and your attached image. We'll show them off to the readers and give you credit for sending them in!