
A conversation about MMOs: Why the WoW leveling/raiding model works so well

What happens when one of EverQuest's most famous players and one of the the MMO world's most respected designers spend ninety minutes talking about the current glut of "leveling/raiding" MMOs, the good and bad points to them, and how they could be improved? Qhue from the Fires of Heaven forums and Scott Hartsman, former lead developer for SOE's EverQuest II, did just that. Find out why mid-level raid content is a bad idea, what World of Warcraft players expected to find in Age of Conan (and what they found instead), why a solo path to max level is important, why betas must spoil things, and why trying to keep the WoW players you lure away with new shinies is nearly impossible.

If you've ever wanted to sit down with a designer and have him explain exactly why today's most popular MMOs are the way they are, you have to read this conversation about MMOs.