
'Mothership' Tales game coming to Wii in 2009

Yesterday's Namco Bandai press conference revealed media for new Tales RPGs on DS and PSP, and announced a Tales of the Abyss anime series. But outside of their 2008 lineup, series manager Makoto Yoshizumi announced that a new Tales game would be released on Wii in fiscal 2009.

The new game is to be the latest in their "Mothership" Tales series from Namco Tales Studio, rather than a port, remake, or side story. The good news, then, is that as a high-prestige title, it's more likely to be localized. We expect that Namco Bandai will continue to focus their promotion on Tales of Hearts and the other new games, so we'll have to wait a bit for specifics on this new Wii game. We've still got Tales of Symphonia 2 to look forward to anyway.
