
Mega Man 9 for 10 bucks

How much would you pay for a brand-new Mega Man game? Chances are, unless you hate Mega Man games, or an adorable blue-suited robo-boy busted your jaw when you were in fifth grade, 1000 Wii Points is a fraction of what you would consider a fair price. According to Famitsu, that's the price point for Capcom's new miracle, Mega Man 9. We were actually expecting more for a sequel to a high-profile series like that.

And we'll end up paying more: like Nintendo Power, Famitsu alluded to downloadable content in its latest writeup. There is no information at all except that it's planned, so all we can do is speculate about the possible DLC: weapons, levels, enemies, costumes -- who knows? It'll drive the price way up, and we'll happily shell out all our Zenny for it.