
2K Games to publish Champions Online

Look, up in the sky! It's a bird- no wait, it's a plane! No! It's 2K Games (the publishing label of Take-Two) announcing that they'll be publishing Cryptic Studio's upcoming Champions Online for both the Xbox 360 and PC in North America. Sorry, the opportunity presented itself and we couldn't resist. As you may or may not know, we here at Massively follow both Cryptic and their MMOs very closely -- you could call us fans. So it's great that the game officially has a publisher, because that only further solidifies Champions Online as a very real MMO. It's also worth noting that this makes Champions Online the very first MMO published by 2K games.

This revelation -- while wonderful for everyone involved -- is also a change of tune from Cryptic's original plans to publish in-house. We're honestly happy to know that more money and manpower can now be spent on creating their next MMO (and subsequently other MMOs) rather than publishing them in tandem. No firm release date has yet to be announced but all good things will come in time, cousin.