
Buffs and nerfs put into perspective in CoX

Nobody likes nerfs. Well, that's not entirely true; if we're honest, there can sometimes be a touch of schadenfreude involved in watching the smug and overpowered get nerfed, just like with any other come-uppance. But nerfs in general are unpopular and tend to stand out in the collective memory, eclipsing positive changes.

City of Heroes is no exception. The recent (and long-expected) nerfs to Energy Melee are bringing the usual complaints out: the devs are nerf-happy, why don't they just buff the others instead of nerfing us, here come the nerfs again, et cetera.

We're grateful to Tempest_56 of the CoX forums for tackling this attitude head-on, and making a thorough list of what's actually been changed in the last few issues. Since Issue 11, the positive changes to powers greatly outnumber the negative ones. It's been a long time since Enhancement Diversification and the Global Defence Nerf. When you put things into perspective, they are actually looking pretty good right now.