
Mega Man 9 trailer to share with everyone

When a game's intro starts with the text "IT IS THE YEAR 20XX," you just know that something special is going to follow. Something special and robotty. This English trailer for Mega Man 9 starts with the evolution (and now devolution) of the Mega Man sprite and then launches into glorious footage of the new game. We admit to being moved by the beauty of the intro scene. We're not robots. (We just wish we were.)

It really does look just like a really high-quality NES game, with all the parts we love (big pixels, bright colors) and none of the stuff we could do without (flicker, LJN logos). It sounds like one too! We're just going to leave the video playing over and over again in the background.

But what's this? The end of the trailer features Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network logos in addition to WiiWare! Good for them. It would be sad to miss out on Mega Man 9 just because you like Halo or whatever.