
One Shots: On the Istani Coastline

It's almost the weekend, and while that means many of the Joystiq network crew (including some of the Massively staff) will be on the road for E3, it means it's time for relaxation for many others! Today's One Shot comes to us from Hawk Nevermore, who snapped this lovely screenshot in Guild Wars. This is definitely the kind of place we'd love to spend a weekend -- relaxing on the shore, swimming, sailing, or adventuring in a ruined city! Hawk writes:

Fahranur the First City was the home of the Primeval Kings, who once ruled all of Elona. Decimated by the Scarab Plague and abandoned by the Istani, it is but a shadow of its former grandeur. Its grand exterior shows nothing of the pain that still resides in its shattered halls.

Pain? Well, okay, maybe that's not the best vacation destination -- but it certainly looks pretty anyway. Have you found a lovely vista in your travels around your favorite game world? Perhaps you just want to see your own screenshots here on Massively so you can show your friends. Whatever your reason, toss those screenshots into an email and send them to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick blurb about what we're seeing. And be sure to check back with us all next week as we bring the news from E3 to you!