
"A lot is going to be happening" for Fable 2 at E3

Fable 2 community guru Sam has posted a hopeful (and obviously tired) developer blog over at the Lionhead community site. It seems like the crew at Lionhead has been in crunch mode for quite, working late nights with no days off. Sam notes, "The work is done, sort of. Not really, but most of it is." We feel for them, we really do, but we must admit that's not the interesting part of the blog. This is: "E3, next week. A lot is going to be happening. You'll just have to wait and see what exactly, but if any of you say 'this wasn't worth it' I will chase you and burn down your house." Dare we hope that our Fable 2 online co-op prognostication will finally come to be? We already scratched off one of our bingo spaces, here's hoping for another.

Oh, and the game will be playable at E3 and, yes, we will be playing it.