
Warhawk update v1.4 hits July 16

Warhawk update v1.4 will hit exactly at 10am GMT (3am PST) on July 16 with quite an amazing lineup of content, including two completely free gameplay modes: "Hero" and "Collection." In Hero mode, an "Epic Hero" is randomly chosen to lead their team to victory; teams gain points by either killing an enemy hero, or killing enemies as the hero. Collection is described by Dylan Jobe as "multi-flag CTF [note CTF = capture the flag]. There are four energy cores scattered around the map, generally positioned in the center or between the two team's main bases. Each team has a Reactor where Energy Cores are taken to score points."

Other such additions include a Quick-join feature which scans for a perfect match based on your preferences, an updated mini-map, changes to Rank & Awards requirements, Minimum Rank server option, update on Home game launching, plus tons more. See the PlayStation.Blog for the full details.