
Wii jOG the stuff of our nightmares, just might work though

Are you tired of using videogames to relax? Do you wish you could come home after a hard day's slog at work and wear yourself out some more, before collapsing in a breathless, sweating heap? Then UK-based studio New Concept Gaming has the product for you! People, say "hello" to the Wii jOG.

Essentially a pedometer that plugs in to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, using the Wii jOG means that your in-game character can only move when you -- yes, you -- jog on the spot. So, if you want to avoid having Leon's neck chomped by a possessed Spanish villager, or wish to sprint across the Gerudo Desert, you're going to have to get your own legs moving. The device is apparently available now on the PlayStation 2, but will be heading Wiiwards later this year -- has the Wii edition listed for release on October 31st, along with a price tag of £34.99.

That's fairly pricey if you ask us, but hey: this probably isn't the worst idea ever. In the two videos after the break, the developers explain how their device could stave off obesity in kids, which is at least an admirable aim. While you watch those, we're off to recline in our La-Z-Boys and munch some Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburgers.

[ link via videogaming247]