
Don't laugh now, PSN's Rat Race exterminated

Following a discussion of Siren, we asked Sony Worldwide Studios pres Shuhei Yoshida about development of the not-quite-funny episodic comedy series Rat Race for the PSN. Yoshida laughed, telling Joystiq: "You have good memory. Yeah, maybe I talked about episodic games and that's my fault. So, yeah, we stopped it. We really liked the concept; it's like The Office TV series. It was kind of funny but we were not quite happy with how the game was turning out and there was some difficulty in development."

So, for those of you cursed with a penchant for terrible comedy, you'll probably want to dull the pain with yet another episode of Two and a Half Men. The rest of you? Keep an eye out for the remainder of our interview with Yoshida.