
E308: Xbox Live Arcade media roundup

You may be wondering why the logo for Portal: Still Alive, the recently announced XBLA exclusive title, is the headline image for this post. Well, even though Microsoft released a ton of new screens for its entire upcoming XBLA lineup this was the only image they thought we needed for Portal: Still Alive. So, it's basically our gallery. After examining the image we really think Valve nailed the look and feel of the original ... logo. Can't wait for more!

Below are the latest screens (five new screens added to the Geometry Wars 2 gallery) of the XBLA titles Microsoft is focusing on for E3 2008. Take a gander at the latest from Castle Crashers, Uno Rush, Galaga Legions, Fable 2: Pub Games, Braid and Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2.
