
Different release dates for different versions of Rock Band 2

Yesterday we found out we are getting trophies, and today we might have the release dates. If the official online store for Rock Band franchise is to be believed, we have two different release dates for Rock Band 2 on our hands. The regular edition with just the game will be out on November 30th, according to the pre-order page. While first time rockers and those who have the dough for another set of plastic instruments will start jammin' away sooner on October 19th.

These dates correspond with what we saw on Amazon before, who also has both versions for pre-order, with the Special Edition even-so-slightly cheaper at $10 off. How do you guys feel about this? The Xbox 360 versions will arrive the same day in September. Is this Harmonix's way of making more money off impatient PS3 owners? Though at least we aren't Wii owners, who will have to wait till November 18th to get any version of the game.

[Thanks, Wes!]

[Update: Looks like Amazon has changed it up again since yesterday -- the regular version of the game now has a release date of October 19th as well.]