
Iwata: Friend codes aren't perfect (Us: Duh)

You know you hate them. No matter how much you love Nintendo, there's no way you can justify those vile things known as friend codes.

Nintendo (the company) might not despise them as much as we do (or at all), but at least some of the higher-ups are willing to acknowledge that they're not the best EVAR. In fact, you really don't get much higher up than President Satoru Iwata, who recently admitted in an interview with GameDaily that the friend code system isn't perfect. He then spouted the usual company line when he said, "However, if it's an online world where you can get access to anybody without any restrictions, I as a father do not feel like allowing my daughter be engaged in that kind of world."

Iwata said that the purpose of friend codes is to create a harassment-free environment for people less familiar with online video gaming, but we can't help but feel like friend codes are a different kind of harassment that tirelessly bothers those who are experienced online gamers. The prez also said that the company is working on improving the system, though, while keeping it safe.

[Via CVG]