
AT&T grows data revenue by leaps and bounds -- again

Okay, AT&T, we get it, you've finally figured out how to pitch data services to your subscriber base. Good for you! Last quarter saw a nice boost in data revenue for the megacarrier, likely due to a proliferation of 3G-compatible handsets that make mobile byte consumption less painful -- not to mention the fact that virtually every iPhone customer is signed up for a data plan -- and they're at it again this quarter with a staggering 52 percent bump in cash flow from data alone (which includes messaging, but still a sobering stat). Overall, revenue from the wireless division was met with a 15.8 percent gain, thanks in part to a net subscriber gain of 1.3 million, giving AT&T a grand total of 72.9 million heads. They'll still be dwarfed when the Verizon-Alltel thing goes down, but don't be down on yourself, AT&T -- there's nothing wrong with being number two. Honest.

[Via mocoNews]