
Heavy Rain's David Cage has strong faith in PS3

David Cage likes to talk a lot -- especially when 'Uncanny Valleys' are involved. So, it shouldn't come as surprise to see a seven page discussion with the Heavy Rain developer over at Gamasutra. Cutting down to the most relevant bits, Cage solidified Quantic Dream's decision to develop solely for PS3: "Honestly, working on one platform is the best thing we could dream of, and it's a choice."

This little bit of news is a nice reassurance that Heavy Rain will remain a PS3 exclusive, as recent mentions of other 3rd party exclusives have been found to have their exclusivity in question, or outright gone. Further backing up his adherence to PS3, Cage had this to say: "You say it's a limited audience -- yeah, it's true at the moment, but by the end of the PlayStation 2, I think there are 120 million units in the world, so I don't call that a limited market. There's no reason why the PlayStation 3 can't reach these numbers."

In other news, the rest of the interview is a good read if you want to get a piece of Cage's mind. Here's one interesting quote where he praises Uncharted but also criticizes game development structure: "[Uncharted] gives you a bit of story, then action, then a bit of story, then action -- like porn movies, when you think about it. Porn movies are structured in exactly the same way, except that the action is not the same (laughter), but it's the same structure. Most video games are done like that." Read the rest of it here.