
One Shots: Riding through the starry night

There's something liberating about getting out in the night air and just wandering around, looking at the stars, far from civilization. Of course, if you live in an extremely urban area like many of the writers, stars are harder to see for all the light pollution in the area. So what's a gamer to do? Turn to their favorite MMOG, of course! Today's One Shots comes to us from Twarsong, one of our regular Lord of the Rings Online contributors, who writes:

It was a long ride through the night that brought Twarsong and his steed through the North Downs and into the well hidden refuge of Rangers, Esteldin. With the constellation Orion shining through the twilight now at his back, he and his faithful steed will rest easy under the protection of the heirs of Númenor this day!

While we're not entirely sure that's Orion back there, it certainly is lovely to look at. Screens like this certainly show off why Lord of the Rings Online remains a steady favorite for people to send in! Do you have a great screenshot of your character wandering around; by starlight, torchlight or sunlight? If so, pack it up and send it to us here at oneshots AT along with a quick note on what we're seeing!