
Wrath of the Lich King beta keys sold on eBay for big bucks

If you you're not in the beta test for World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion, there's another way besides trying your luck by opting in at the website. Well, there's another way if you're filthy rich.

Blizzard handed out WotLK beta keys at Blizzcon and the Worldwide Invitational, and unlike the opt-in keys, they're not tied to any particular account. That means that anyone who has the slip can register and use them to participate in the beta. Enterprising individuals who acquired those keys are now selling them on eBay for outrageous sums of money. Eurogamer reports that the UK record so far is GBP 513, or more than 1,000 US dollars.

Right now, you can buy one for $400 on the US eBay store. It's true, you don't have to be filthy rich to have 400 bucks on hand, but we figure you'd have to be pretty close to filthy rich to actually spend said money on such a fleeting and empty joy. It's a beta, after all; it probably doesn't even work!