
One Shots: Forgotten in the Crystal Desert

The ruins of ancient civilizations are always interesting to poke around in. While this may not be KV63 in terms of importance, it's still cool and interesting to see. Today's One Shots comes to us from Hawk Nevermore, who found this location while on 'pilgrimage' in the Arid Sea area of the Crystal Desert from Guild Wars Prophecies. Hawk writes:

Slowly emerging from the haze of the burnt sands, like a mirage shimmering in the distance, this great statue watches over the Arid Sea. It is the last remnant of a forgotten civilization that sought Ascension in the Crystal Desert. As you approach the great colossus, it collapses without a sound, causing you to wonder, "Was it really there before?"

Have you found the ruins of an ancient civilization in your in-game travels? Perhaps an area that just reeks of mystery and history? If so, we'd love to see them! Just send them in to us here at oneshots AT Then relax and look for them in upcoming One Shots columns!