
Halcro introduces new SSP220 surround sound processor

Halcro made its initial splash in the high-end audio scene years ago with "no noise" amplifiers. It has since come a long way, branching out into other pricey HT electronics. Latest up on the block is the $12,000 SSP220 surround sound processor, set to ship to moneybags the world over starting in August. It sure does look great , but that price is definitely past the "knee" in the price-versus-performance graph. We're sure this unit will look great (based on the pictured SSP200 processor pictured), which is a good thing, because the feature set won't jump out at anyone. For example, the SSP220 features 4 HDMI (no word on which HDMI spec) and 4 component inputs, but only a single output for each connection type. But the unit officially supports the unofficial 1080p-over-component. We're just jealous -- enjoy your time out on the lunatic fringe!