
Cursed Mountain looms over Wii

Deep Silver, co-publisher of the logo-filled Duke Nukem Trilogy, is developing an original survival horror game for Wii called Cursed Mountain. Set in the 1980s, the game follows a climber as he ascends a mountain in a search for his lost brother. Along the way, he finds -- zoinks! Like, ghosts!

With its emphasis on ghosts (dead people in limbo) rather than corporeal monsters, Cursed Mountain promises a different kind of violence than the bloody, visceral experience of other survival horror games, according to Deep Silver's Hannes Seifert. "It's violent in the sense of ever present danger and very aggressive environments and enemies. But you can't be violent against ghosts and mountains. So Cursed Mountain is violent, yes, but in a very unorthodox way."

How unorthodox? You enter a shadow world, sense enemies with the pointer, and then fight with motions, including a praying gesture.