
Own an embarrassing piece of Wii Fit history

Apparently, some EB shopper recognized Lauren Bernat, the infamous "Wii Fit Girl," who has gone on to some media success after being humilated on YouTube, and asked her to sign a Wii Fit box that he just ... happened ... to have. Okay, it's a dubious story -- even if we assume that he just happened to be buying Wii Fit at the time, it's unlikely in the first place that he was able to walk into a store and purchase Wii Fit.

But however it happened, the meeting occurred and the Wii Fit box was signed. The next step was what anyone would have expected to happen: eBay. At a current bid of $165, that's actually not far off the normal eBay price for Wii Fit.

[Via GameSniped]